India Ahead | What's beyond Political Freedom & Democracy
When Nehru standing on dais of then Constituent Assembly , shouted out loud "Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom...."
Our Pre-Independence India, which is on the verge of losing it's soul altogether and actively seeking for the basics of being a nation completely ignored the aspects of National Identity, Decoloniality. The wrath of continuous colonization by Mughals followed by British and other European Nations had deep impact in the minds of the then leaders, who couldn't imagine anything beyond freedom and democracy.
This dented the image of a generation, and watered down pride of its citizens to just being peace spreaders, the erstwhile Governments have legitimately tried to control the narrative of India being a peace nation for 10,000 years (Just an Example: Sikh Invasion during 1837, India as small nations invaded many countries over the years, thus making a misleading claim of India being a peace nation)
"Peace is the time to reload your rifles" - Bob Dylan
As the time passes, the image that governments have tried popularize, have posed it's challenges. Here is one of them "What do you mean by Peace?"
Here comes the infamous slang within India " Where you are advised to show other side of your face, when someone slaps on the one side." Our generations have been significantly imposed the principles of bearing the pain and continuing to survive for existence, without giving a reaction to the other person.
When practically tested the above thought of nation, which was essentially influenced by the single person has utterly failed to hold on to it's test and path of survival. A Nation can't solely stand on the thoughts of a single person, and no person can be good enough to completely get idolized and become the model for a country like India. The great persons have certainly contributed to the nation building and bringing the nation to a stage, where we are enjoying the fruits. But this is a collective effort, rather a single person's effort.
When the thought of National consciousness and access to it's routes is long due to have an impact with the Bharatiyata/Bharathness. When the nation which is founded with the name of India, where citizens are thought it to have derived from the river Indus, but the same word is deeply used by the Western Nations to address their slave nations and with it's association to the atrocities committed by them.
The strong debate in the constituent assembly which has finally decided that two names to be established i.e., India/Bharat which are to be used synonymously. The political thoughts which frequently sought the western approval for the actions done by them, have started to disassociate the nation from the name of Bharat over the time, to an extent where no country in the current day recognize the word "Bharat" in comparison to the “India”.
Though the awakening in the political spheres of general public have been slow and overtime would start, maybe today or tomorrow but the day surely comes where we start to feel the roots and identify "Who actually are we?" and propagate the thought of merging the Bharatiyata with the New-age Living
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