Quantum Programming | Certain on Uncertainity

So fancy it sounds and it is...

Our computers work on the basis of Binary Number. Every item, character or image is a combination of 0 and 1. Every process here is defined by the passing the current through the combinations through the transistors which represent 0 and 1. 

Quantum computers, they don't work on the basis of 0 and 1 or follow the physics of the real world. The Quantum realm will play it's role through it's work. Every thing here is defined on the basis of a super position and every time, we try to the get the things there is a level of  uncertain., Quantum Computers will make it to its advantage and wins over certainty through being uncertain. There the odds are not same here, it's tilted by 100% towards uncertainty on every iteration.

Here in quantum computers there are microlevel computations called Qubits, these qubits have the inherent nature of randomness which the expected applications are made to benefit from. They have a combination of 0 and 1  based on a percentage. Single Qubit will contain a % of 1, % of 0 or only one element, which are not defined to the computer unlike the regular ones. There are very few quantum computers that are currently available for research like the one offered by IBM.!

How does it look if used for the finance applications?

It helps to evaluate a practical stochastic approach to the equations while considering the randomness in the movement. The reason being the very basic nature of the computer working is based on the uncertainty. The Possibility in the mix of quantum computing to the Financial Randomness will let us the solve the miracles.

The stages of the quantum computing itself is subjected to research due to it's defiance towards the general laws of physics. Miracles possible, but comes with a rider based on tech evolution and research feasibility from the quantum computing.

This very concept will change the traditional thinking of the humans, and people accepting the uncertainty short time brain teaser. How better it will be?


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